Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Life's a beach!

Sooooo...classes suck! but i'm trying to do my best :(

The best part of this past week was seeing my nephew :)

My boyfriend (aka Uncle JaJa) and Baby Ayden

I love this picture. When i look at it I think...dang my Jarod will make an amazing dad :) lol

This kid makes every stress and pain go away when I pick him up and he just sleeps on my chest I feel like every worry I have has been lifted off of my.

Now back to studying :(

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I've made my decision

If FIU accepts me, I am leaving. Good bye tampa hello miami. Going back home seems to be something I never wanted but I know that it will save so much money. But why do I feel like I'm copping out?? UGH

Thursday, August 26, 2010

My first post

I've been through alot in this past year.

It is August again and I can't help but think of everything that has happened in this past year.  Let's reflect shall we?

A year ago today I was a Pre-Med/Biology major at USF. A year ago I was single. A year ago I had so many different friends that I would call family. A year ago my grandfather was healthy.

Now, I am a Pre-Nursing student at USF. Now, I have the most amazing man in my life that I hope to spend the rest of my life with. Now, those friends I can count on one hand. Now, my grandfather is an angel in heaven.

Within a year so much has changed. Some of it was unwanted change and other things have made me happier than I have ever been in 4 years of college. I miss my grandfather terribly. At times it catches up with me and hits me like a MACK truck and I just think about him and I hope that I make him proud.

I love being a nursing major. I feel now that being a nurse is my path. The stress and heartache I felt all the time when I was thinking about Medical school is gone and I feel like a burden is lifted. Don't get me wrong, the classes are just as hard and the path I will take will be just as hard as being in medical school but it doesn't seem like the chore it used to be.

I am truly blessed with an amazing man in my life who has brought me so much joy and happiness. His family has become like a second family to me. His sister had a baby and I love him as if he were my flesh and blood. I worry for that little baby who is growing up without a father (his father passed away at 19 in a car accident a week before his son was born) and who is going through so much from being born early and having some issues with his digestive system. I worry for his mom who is only 17, just a baby herself, and has a 3 month old to take care of on top of losing the love of her life. But i love them both. More than words could ever explain.

I hope that this blog helps to let out emotions that I cannot let out anywhere else
Meet Baby Ayden. My little nephew and the little man who has stolen my heart <3